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Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Questionnaire Evaluation Questions 1&2

This is my questionnaire I devised to find out information about magazines. This research will help me to design my own magazine which attends to the majority of the readers needs. I chose to give the option of multiple answers as I wouldn't want to limit their opinions. The first question is 'What magazines genres are you interested in?', I chose this question because it can help me decide on the best house style to use, the best angle to come from, and what type of language to use.                                     The response I received was varied, the most popular choice were 'Gossip/Celeb magazines', and the weakest choice were 'Classic Music magazines', this may be because the target audience is younger than average, popular culture is more relevant and interesting nowadays, and magazines such as Q and Rolling Stone are very sophisticated and mature. 'Fashion magazines' came second with 50%, this is also a youth interest, fashion and appearance is much more associated with music now than 50 years ago. It is important for readers to sense artists' personal fashion styles to relate to them, especially for the younger generations. 'Womans magazines' and 'Contempary Music magazines' were in the middle with about 30% each, this shows these are more secondary interested, and not as important for me to take into account.

The second question was 'What genres of music are you interested in?', this question can help determine which musical style to focus on, how the photography should represent the artist, and what questions put to the artists would be interesting to the reader. The results I got were quite easy to read, the most popular choices were Pop/Dance/Electronica, and Contemporary R&B/Hip-Hop/Rap, these are the genres which have dominated the charts for the last 5 years so this was no surprise.
Alternative/Indie/Rock and Metal/Heavy Rock received fewer votes but still compiled a substantial amount of the total. This may because Indie is a popular festival genre and had a surge of popularity a few years ago. Blues/Country/Classic R&B received no votes, which is not surprising as the people I asked were a lot younger, however I was expecting some interest in that category from younger people who had been influenced by their parents perhaps.

The clear musical genre choice would be to design a magazine for Pop and R&B, however since the Alternative/Indie/Rock category received more interest than expected I may choose to orientate my magazine towards festivals, Rock music and maybe a secondary influence to make it differ from other magazines already on the market.

The type of magazine I will design should incorporate gossip, news segments and fashion items as they proved to be the most popular styles.

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