This is a double page spread by NME magazine and features Lily Allen as the lead article. The main image takes up half of the page and dominates it, the colours are also very strong against a white background and black text. Her body language shows she putting herself, and her opinions, out there and not afraid of the response she gets. The tartan shirt is very in keeping with the house style as it reflects rock 'n' roll, festivals and a boyish image. The striking eye make-up is made to match her dark hairstyle and emphasise her fair skin, this gives her a Gothic/rock look.
The pull quote is used as the title for the article, this is unusual to not have a main title and makes it more interesting. The pull quote is presented randomly, in different sizes, and jumps out at the reader, the lettering is put in white against a disjointed black outline to achieve this. The way it uses fonts and sizes also look similar to classic ransom notes left by people wanting to be keep unidentified, this would suggest the words contain aggression, a recluse, a shyness yet threat.
The text is organised into four columns, with a flush left alignment, and starts with a drop cap. The text contrasts against the pull quote in the way it's laid out, the text is very neat, formal, easy to follow yet the title is rebellious; this helps to balance out the page.
A standfirst is used above the text and below the pull quote, it is in a neater font to the title and a larger size to the text. The words 'Lily Allen' are highlighted red, this draws the attention to the article and also links with Lily's clothes.
The theme of this article, along with NME, is rock 'n' roll and alternative music, this can be seen in the way the stars are dressed, the colours used and the presentation of text.
Centre Number 18125
Centre Number 18125
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