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Monday, 17 January 2011

Photoshoot Plan

For my magazine all images used have to be original, so I will make plans for all the photos I will use.

Front Cover: All my circus research has been to help me determine my main image. The act I have chosen to represent is mime. I will dress the model in black and white clothing and make-up consistent with the images I collected, I will take images of a variety of poses and chose the best one for the front page main image.

Contents Page: For the contents page I will take more images on the circus theme, and possibly take images from the Double Page Spread to animate the text. More things I could explore in the 'unusual skills' theme for the magazine are juggling, tight rope walking, clown, trapeze, animal taming or unicycling. These could be recreated for fashion, comic or investigative purposes.

Double Page Spread: For the DPS the photos are based on the iconic music images which I have planned and researched earlier (see PowerPoint).
For the guitar 'on fire' photo, I will try and find a guitar to see alight to, or make a mock one out of cardboard.

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